NYTWA Members Presented the DRIVERS' DEMANDS Today on City Hall Steps: Living Wage, Job Security, and a Raise for All!

Today NYTWA Members from all sectors presented the DRIVERS’ DEMANDS on the Steps of City Hall! Our Petition to Initiate Rulemaking to the TLC uses the force of city law for a response on our demands for a Living Wage, Job Security, and a Raise for All Drivers! We were joined by our allies SEIU 32BJ and also Council Members Ydanis Rodriguez and Margaret Chin stopped by to show their support!

We are ready to win one regulated minimum passenger rate of fare across the entire industry, double the meter for App drivers on out-of-town fares, an end to unfair deactivations, and a cap on FHV leasing and financing rates!

The FHV Vehicle cap is the foundation for these demands to stand on! And we will make our voices heard at the TLC Public Hearing on the FHV Vehicle Cap next Tuesday, July 23rd at 12noon at 33 Beaver Street!

NYTWA Rulemaking Petition to TLC

Extending the FHV Vehicle Cap is the Foundation: we need the cap to fight for Living Wage + Job Security for App Drivers and Raise for ALL!

1. Set one MINIMUM passenger rate of fare across the industry so no company can cut rates!
The TLC cannot set minimum rates less than the current yellow cab meter: $2.50 base + $2.50/mile + 50c/minute in slow traffic. Same meter rules for out-of-town fares: Double the meter for App drivers (like Rate 4 for yellow cabs)

2. Require companies to pay App driver whichever is higher:
85% of passenger fare or total of TLC driver payment rates

3. Stop Unfair Deactivations
with no notice, cause or appeal!

4. Cap FHV Financing and Lease Rates:
MAXIMUM $350/week rental lease, including accidents and maintenance. $275/week financing and no more than $49,500 in total.

5. Stop upfront pricing by e-hail companies where passengers pay more but the company pays driver less
(like Access-A-Ride trips)

Check out photos from today’s rally on City Hall Steps below!

Read our full Rulemaking Petition to the TLC below!